Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Feb 12 Glenn Beck

Glenn could not believe it when he read the Huffington Post article about him....see it here...

What? My
9-12    project  has   9 values and 12 principles   said Glenn.
Media out of touch with who Glenn is and what he stands for!
The name "9-12" is symbolic of both the day after the September 11 attacks in 2001 and the project's "nine principles and twelve values."[6] According to the website, the 9-12 Project, the 9 Principles and 12 Values are derived from the principles of the Founding Fathers:
At the origin of America, our Founding Fathers built this country on 28 powerful principles. These principles were culled from all over the world and from centuries of great thinkers. We have distilled the original 28 down to the 9 basic principles.[7]
The website lists the 9 Principles, accompanied by quotations from George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The 9 Principles are:
America is good.
I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
The 12 Values are:
Hard Work
Personal Responsibility
Gratitude (originally Friendship)[citation needed]

Protesters walking towards the U.S. Capitol during the Taxpayer March on Washington.
A group of protesters hold signs praising Beck at the Taxpayer March on Washington.
The 9-12 Project was created as the result of Beck's "We Surround Them" campaign, a series of segments and specials on Beck's television program in early 2009 which purported to bring back government accountability.[8] Viewers were asked to incorporate these values first in their personal lives, then expect them of those they elected to office and holding the elected accountable. At one point during the campaign, viewers were asked to submit pictures if they believed at least seven of the nine founding principles and felt they were alone in believing these principles. Many of the pictures were used to form a collage that once lined one of the walls in Glenn Beck's Fox News Channel studio.[citation needed] The 9-12 Project grew out of that campaign, as a result of the original call Beck took on his nationally syndicated talk radio show, from "Ed" of New Haven, Connecticut. During that phone call in late January, 2009, "Ed" said that he felt "outnumbered" (as a true conservative in today's political battles). Beck told him that he would figure out a way to prove to him that he isn't alone, and that "they," the powers that be, don't surround "us", the American people, but rather, "We Surround Them!"
Following the Taxpayer March on Washington on September 12, 2009, Beck introduced a campaign for the 9-12 project called "Re-found America". The campaign aims to find 56 Re-Founders, who are Congressional politicians who agree to stand against corruption and abuses of power, and become whistle blowers, exposing the evidence of corruption.[9]
Beginning in March 2010, the IRS started scrutinizing organizations, in particular conservative organizations, that it suspected of engaging in political activity not permitted under their tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. IRS civil service employees were instructed to focus on groups with certain words in their names. The "9-12 Project" was one of these groups.
On his TV show at 5 pm NY time, 2 pm Calif time, he had a gal on ( a psychologist) who talked about the mental habits of successful and strong people. They had a group of teens in, discuss these concepts with them and help them. A very valuable show today!

I captured this from today's show:

Monday, February 10, 2014

A Political Site to Return To Periodically is a good site. I recently read this article... about How republicans and democrats need to redefine their agendas.
about the Republican's alternative to Obamacare