Tuesday, July 4, 2023

More on R. C. Hoiles

 I used to get daily newspapers and sometimes I would clip a short article if it inspired me. I found a tiny clipping the other day and will post it's message here...

"We believe that all men are equally endowed by the Creator, and not by a government, with the gifts of freedom, and that it is every man's duty to God to preserve his own liberty and respect the liberty of others. .  -R.C. Hoiles

He also said....

“Freedom is the right of a man to choose how he controls himself, as long as he respects the equal rights of every other individual to plan and control his own life. In short it means self-control and self-governance, no more, no less.”

https://fee.org/articles/r-c-hoiles-and-public-schooling/ is the first article I found about him and was really impressed!

Here are the first 2 paragraphs...

In a letter dated May 23, 1946, the libertarian publisher R. C. Hoiles wrote to Leonard E. Read, who would establish the Foundation for Economic Education later that same year. Hoiles advised Read on what he believed was the underlying cause of America’s alarming shift from individual liberty toward socialism:

I am inclined to think that the grass roots of our trouble is our tax-supported school system. It is teaching by example that might makes right; that the end justifies the means; that there is no law superior to the will of the majority. How can we expect the youth of the land, when the public generally believes in tax-supported schools, to believe in freedom, the American way, or a definite limited government?

Go to the link to read more. Fascinating!

Then I found another site:https://www.rchoiles.com/ 

All about HIM!

It contains the full library! Media, Articles, Commentary

He was a newspaper man...starting many famous newspapers. He Believed  newspapers should have the courage to express moral principles.

Here is a video about him


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